Our Office Today

One of the greatest achievements of our business, which despite the limited size of the Balkan market that we are merely active in, that is perhaps worldwide unique, is the fact that: in puncto pearls we can offer literally EVERYTHING. I cannot remember one customer ever leaving our office because we could not provide him what he wanted! (For other reasons of course, I admit, I do remember…).

Apart from the pearls I’ve been so passionately talking about, we offer gemstones, such as diamonds and other precious stones like rubies, sapphires and emeralds through our worldwide connections and well-trusted colleagues that we fight side to side in this most intriguing treasure hunt. ‘Cause that’s what it is all about. A treasure hunt to satisfy the mind and soul. A diamond is a little thing that makes the “big thing” – whatever that is – have a meaning and a “Gem” pearl reminds us what, aesthetically seen, we are capable of.

So, South Sea Pearls – white or golden, Tahitian – grey, black or peacock, Japanese Akoya or even freshwater “Biwa” pearls, you name it, we hand it over – although it does hurt when we have to wave goodbye to our really precious Gems.

Finally, apart from the raw materials of jewelry, we offer facilities such as professional pearl drilling, stringing and knotting of strands, gemstone mounting, design suggestions, as well as evaluation of gems and certificate issuing can be arranged.

Have a great day and look forward to hearing from you soon,

Pan Simos

Athens, 6.5.2011